
About Me

I'm a little bit country, a little bit rock 'n' roll.  OK, I'm a LOT country.  Don't judge!  I'm wife to Jason, who's a project manager for an industrial engineering company and I'm also a stay-at-home mom of five little ones, who just might be the smartest, funniest, cutest kids on earth.  (I'm allowed to say that and you're allowed to disagree-I just better not hear about it!) 

It might take you a while to get under my skin, but if you're someone I call my friend, you certainly know it.  I'm highly organized and structured in the way I do things, but I find my kids thrive on these things.  I'm also a little crazy and might say something to make you blush-even in CHURCH!

 I'd do anything for my husband and kids, probably because they make my life worth living and bring me endless joy, laughs and love.

I started this blog as a way to share the funny and not-so-funny things that go on around here.  You might consider having five kids a little nutty, but I love it.  Heck, I'd throw in a few more if the husband would let me.  It might get a little chaotic here from time to time, but as I like to say, "It's always a party."