Thirty Days of Thankfulness, Day Nine
What's your favorite song? If you asked me, I'd tell you I don't have one. I mean, how could I ever pick just one? I've been playing the piano since I was seven. I've been in various choirs since I was nine. I've attended church since birth. My Sunday mornings of childhood always had the Top 40 Countdown on the radio. Sporting events I played in and attended were prefaced with warmup music. I've been to musicals and operas, band competitions and concerts. I'm the girl who's belting it out to whatever is on the radio in the car next to you. I know what songs can get me out of a slump while running. I'm constantly singing real and made up songs to my children.
I love the stories music tell-some I can relate to and some that are completely foreign to me. I like rap music and country music and church music. Sometimes, I enjoy the calming crescendos and decrescendos of classical music.
Music is a universal language. It has healing powers. Music can calm you down, pick you up, and inspire you. Today, I am thankful for the places music has taken me and the things it has shown me.
"Where words fail, music speaks." -Hans Christian Andersen
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