Thursday, August 27, 2020

Getaway 2020: Day 5

 We all slept soundly through the night, and once again, Jason and I woke up early to hit the trails.  There was so much beauty here and I wanted to explore it all!

After throroughly whetting our appetites, we headed down to the shops in town where we had spotted a little place offering coffee and sweet treats.  The line was long, but social distancing and masks prevailed. While Jason waited for our delicious goodies, I made friends with a local bird.

Back at camp, the kids were up and moving.  We had to move campsites today, due to a scheduling issue in the office. We were a little annoyed to have to pack everything up to move just one spot over. But, alas, the  incoming family had booked our previous cozy corner spot months ago, and they would arrive shortly.

Jason and I had heard about a sandy beach area not too far away and we wanted to take the kids there.  They were all less than thrilled to be getting back into the van after yesterday's mis-adventure. We promised today would be different and the kids agreed to go.  We headed out to Bete Grise, on the east side of the peninsula, and found a beach, sandy and warm.  We spent some time just soaking up the sun and playing in the fine sand.  Of course, a few brave souls wandered out for a swim, too.

Back at camp once again, the kids took turns paddling around in the kayak Jason had rented for the day.  Owen had paddled around the lake earlier in the day and declared it to be a very boring lake. 

We snuck around to a little fishing spot across from the lake's swimming area, and were promptly swarmed by bees!  I yelled for Nash to grab his shoes and RUN!  Of course he got stung immediately and took off like a crazy man.  Once we got far enough into the woods, I made him slow down.  The trail was rocky and rooty and I didn't want him to fall and get hurt worse. As soon as we were back to the camper, I checked him out.  He was still a little panicked, but after finding just one sting on him and assuring him he was ok, he calmed down.

J and I walked to town to pick up dinner and we opted for steak, potatoes, tomatoes, pasta salad and a big chunk of Asiago cheese.  I guess you could say we had worked up an appetite!

Then J and Owen opted to walk over to Lake Superior for an “official” dip in this northernmost point in Michigan and came back very proud to have braved those frigid waters once again.

Alayna and I decided to run before dinner tonight and she managed to run a 5k on these gnarly trails! She declared these trails to be completely amazing and I agreed!

Meanwhile, Jason got to work peeling and slicing the potatoes for roasting. Then, while we munched on those, he grilled chicken, steak and hot dogs for the crew. The pasta salad was delish!

After dinner the kids played on the playground, Jason played frisbee with Grey and, in true trail runner fashion, Alayna chugged pickle juice, her favorite. 

I snuck away with just Nash for a little walk around the whooooole campground at his request.  It was fun to see how all the campers set up their own homes away from home.

Upon returning, I noticed there were signs posted on each camping slot's electrical box.  Why hadn't I seen those there the last two days? Eeeek!

The flies were horrible due to the warmer temps and this mama had had enough of them. I buried myself in my covers and was sound asleep before 9pm, while the others chatted by the campfire and Alayna and Owen played their Kalimbas. 

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