There were just a few things on our agenda before we left town:
We had to get our friends together here for one last hurrah before we all went our separate ways for the holidays.

Greyson had a pre-school Christmas performance, and I am SO happy to report that he sang-IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!

And of course, there was the messy but fun task of building the gingerbread house.

Then it was time to pack the bags and load all of the gifts and head north to see our family.
Day One of our visit to Michigan? A FIRST for our family:

I think it's safe to say that everyone enjoyed themselves. You can't go wrong with bowling and some of your favorite cousins in the mix.

Day Two was Christmas Eve, which we spent at The Pietras's house for some MAJOR food, gifts and family.

Day Three was Christmas Day, celebrated first with Christmas morning at Nana and Grandpa's house, then at my parents' house, followed by my Nanu's house, with even MORE food, gifts and family.

Day Four, the day after Christmas, you'd think we'd just relax, right? No way. MORE of our relatives came to town from Chicago and Dayton, and of COURSE there was MORE food, and MORE gifts and MORE family.

It was a whirlwind trip, and we were exhausted when it was over, but there's nothing like being home for the holidays.
Merry Christmas from Tennessee, y'all!