Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Find Friends

It's been about a year and a half since we moved into this house. It was Thanksgiving when we moved in, and it snowed that weekend. We didn't really see any kids outside playing that first winter, but we figured once the weather got warmer, the kids would come out of hiding. Wrong. Many nights after dinner we, as a family, take walks around our neighborhood, in search of friends for our children to play with. Well, either these kids never come outside, or THERE ARE NO KIDS IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

Owen and Emerson ask almost daily to take a walk to "find friends". Like maybe THIS time we'll see some. Right. So, the other day Em asks to take a walk to find her some friends. In a moment of total frustration I say, "There aren't any kids. What do you want me to do? Pull some out of my butt?!"

Em gets all serious, and you can see that she is processing this comment. Her response? "Well, Mom. Did you ever EAT any little kids?"

So very logical. Of course, you have to EAT the kids before you can pull them out of your BUTT.


Leave me a message-I need the entertainment!