Friday, July 6, 2012

Another Year

This year, she's settling into life in Ohio. IMG_0578
 One year ago, she was digging the country life in Tennessee. IMG_6272-1
Two years ago, she was a crawling, swinging little girl. Photobucket
Three years ago, she made her way into this world.
We've been on our own little roller coaster the last few years, but we're going with it. Alayna has been a trooper, quickly adapting to new places and new homes. She's a show-stealer these days, with her infectious laugh and her HAIR. Her hair actually needs its own blog post. It has a life of its own and turns heads wherever we go.
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We celebrated her birthday a couple weeks ago in Michigan, and she was nothing but smiles.
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You'll notice that all of the photos of Alayna are outside-that's because she LOVES to be outside! I can't keep her in the house!
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 Alayna's favorite things are orange juice, playing with mommy's phone, eating other people's food and avoiding sleep AT ALL COSTS. Things she doesn't like? Being in the car, getting her face wet, and SLEEP. It's pretty hard to say no to this face, let me tell you... IMG_0638
It's been a crazy year, but I wouldn't trade it. This little girl makes me happy-from her giggles to her hair. She's a lover and a cuddler, and I find her irresistible. IMG_0841
 Happy 3rd Birthday, Alayna!


  1. Awwwww, my sweet little Laynie Lou is 3. So glad we were able to celebrate with her on her real birthday and her party 2 weeks ago!!! Love her!!


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