Thursday, November 27, 2014

And Then He Was Two

Today is Thanksgiving. Today is also my youngest son's birthday.  Today, Nash turns two.

Last year, I wrote about Nash, the charming little boy.  And while the first year of life gives you glimpses of what a child might be like, the second year of life really gives their character some depth. 

Here's a look back on Nash's year, from one to two...

In November, there was a birthday party with cake.  Nash was content NOT eating it, thankyouverymuch.

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In December, he unwrapped a few presents,

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and tried to eat a few bulbs, as well.

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In January, he spent a lot of time playing in the tub-it was too cold to go outside!

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By February, I think it's safe to say that he was downright sick of crawling and scooting to get around.
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In March, he traveled south to warm his bones on the beach in Fort Myers, Florida.
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In April, the chair could no longer contain him,

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and he was on the go!

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Aside from perfecting his walking skills,
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he watched his Grandpa Steve march in the Memorial Day Parade in May, and even snuck in a little kiss for Dad!
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In June, his time was spent playing at the lake,
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and road-tripping to and from Ohio to Northern Michigan.
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A good part of July was spent playing basketball,
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and cheering for the Tigers!
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And then, in August, he moved to Michigan.  While he was staying at Nana and Grandpa's house, hide and seek was a favorite game.
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He also chipped in on cleaning up around the house!
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In September, he tried out the pool at the new gym, (jumping off the diving board repeatedly)
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put on his first pair of roller skates,
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and practiced showing everyone his teeth!
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October brought him a lot of time outside taking walks,
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visiting orchards,
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playing in leaves,
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and, of course, trick-or-treating.
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In November, the crops were harvested by this farmer,
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and there was time to dance.
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In addition to all of the fun Nash had this past year, there were also many not so fun moments.  He had some long-awaited allergy testing done, which revealed severe allergies to dogs, dairy, egg and almost every kind of nut. 

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And you know those runny noses that all little kids get?  Well, when Nash gets a runny nose, it's a warning sign.  A warning sign that within two days, a full-blown respiratory episode will occur.  The sound of a small child moaning and struggling to take a breath is one of the most heart-wrenching things I have ever had to deal with.  Time stands still.

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Nash's allergies have definitely changed the way I look at food and how I prepare meals.  We have, however, found a couple of things he absolutely loves:

Sloppy joes,

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and Gingersnap cookies made by his Nene.
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People comment all the time about how he's got that certain something-they are drawn to Nash.  I used to think it was just because he was a baby and babies are cute and cuddly and who doesn't love a baby?  But it's more than that.  He makes you want to be around him.  Even his sisters and brothers have not eased up on the amount of attention they give him.  There are fights, daily, over who gets to hold him and bathe with him and sit by him on the couch.
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With the older four children in school full time this year, Nash and I have eight hours every day to ourselves.  Each morning we walk to the bus stop and he says goodbye to "Oweeeeee" and waves to the other kids.  And every afternoon he anxiously awaits their return home.  The time in between is spent playing with friends at the gym, playing with cars and trucks and trains at home, and occasionally visiting his great-grandma Lois.

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 I have mixed emotions with Nash's birthday this year.  It seems like he went from a newborn to a wild and crazy toddler in the blink of an eye, yet I cannot remember what my life was like without him in it.  Does he throw tantrums and get over tired and give me occasional headaches?  Of course.  But he makes up for it a hundred times over with his sweet hugs and kisses and his infectious laugh.
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From his first birthday to his second birthday, Nash has grown so much.  He is happy and fearless and opinionated and caring and daring.  He is a wonderful boy, and I'm glad he's mine.
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Happy second birthday, Nash!  I love you!

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