Friday, August 5, 2011

Wings of Flight

Be like the bird that, pausing on her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings. -Victor Hugo

Call me crazy, but I have always looked forward to the first day of school with excitement: a new year, filled with possibilities, new teachers filled with new ideas.

This year, my children won't be seeing old friends-they'll be making new ones. This year, my kids are the NEW kids.


It's a little intimidating to be at a new school, knowing no one. But they are excited-ALL of them.




I could say that they're growing up and getting bigger amd I'm sad to see them go-and all of that is true. But I'm also EXCITED for them. I want to share the excitement they have for all that this new year will bring them. My kids haven't been dreading this day-they've been looking forward to it. It makes me proud that they are so eager to meet this challenge head-on; that they are so eager to learn new things.




My children are spreading their wings, and I'm ready to watch them soar.


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