The last week, however, has been a WHIRLWIND of activity. It has been quite some time since I have found myself so busy, often having that sinking feeling that I was forgetting something. Along with the Halloween festivities, also in the mix were doctor's appointments, birthday parties, and school fundraisers.
I could go on and ON about how crazy our week has been, but I think a little "picture walk", as they call it in Kindergarten, would be more fun for you and me BOTH!
Here we go!
First up: A sneak-peak at our Halloween theme this year:
The FABULOUS Queen Amidala:

Darth Vader, complete with realistic breathing sound machine, as requested:

C3-PO, who never wore a mask, not even on a bribe:

Yoda, the wise one:

And Princess Leia with Luke the Jedi:

Event #1: The Annual Tillier Halloween Party, where children HUGELY outnumbered the adults...

Event #2: Grandpa Steve's Birthday and Hayride

Event 3: Grandma and Grandpa treated us to a costume party at their Elk's Club

Event #4: Emerson's Kindergarten Halloween Party

Event #5: Owen's First Grade Halloween Party

Event #6: Greyson's Montessori Halloween Family Party

Let's throw in some Alayna spam right here-she LOVES practicing her walking skills. Any day now she's gonna go solo!

Event #7: A costume party with Alice and The Mad Hatter, who won second place!

Event #8: Halloween Brunch, celebrating my sister's birthday

Event #9: Halloween night, beginning with our yearly tradition of visiting Great-Grandma Lois before trick-or-treating

The Princess Darby and Yoda needed a break!

We sure did get our money's worth out of the Halloween costumes this year! I can honestly say that I've NEVER dressed up so much for this holiday before IN MY LIFE. I think the whole family enjoyed our STAR WARS theme this year...
I guess we did have a few minor glitches: Greyson wasn't going to put on that C3-PO mask for ANY reason, Alayna couldn't quite scoot in her Yoda costume, Owen's light saber wasn't the glowing beacon of light he had envisioned, a screaming fit ensued every night while scrubbing Queen Amidala's make-up off of Emerson's face, Jason couldn't exactly maneuver his cell phone out of Luke's pants in a sightly fashion, and my Princess Leia wig was SO itchy. SERIOUSLY.
But those aren't the things we'll remember about this Halloween season. We'll remember what you're supposed to remember: costume parties with friends and family, a hayride on a crisp afternoon, helping to blow out birthday candles (sometimes even before a wish was made!), awesome costumes, and TONS of candy.
I think there's only ONE thing left to say...