On October 10, 2007, I was scheduled for an induction to deliver my third child. The induction started much like my previous two inductions and I was pretty calm, knowing that in a few short hours I'd be holding my little one. We had decided not to find out the sex of this baby, and we were very excited to know who this baby was. After gettting my epidural, my labor progressed very rapidly, and soon I was at 9.5 centimeters-almost there! My doc came running in, expecting to pretty much just catch the baby as it came flying out. After all, that's exactly what happened with the first two. Like clockwork: Epidural. Rapid dilation. Hold the baby in until the doc arrives. Doc arrives. Three pushes. Brand-new baby.
But not this time.
It seemed this little baby had other plans. THIS baby decided that it would be quite interesting to try to enter this world facing UP, rather than down, which is MUCH more comfortable for mom. I spent the next two hours pushing and screaming and cursing in every position KNOWN TO MAN. Finally, it was time. I was told to push with everything I had.
And that's when it happened.
I heard THOSE words: Compound Presentation. If you've never heard those words, let me tell you, YOU DON'T WANT TO. You don't want to hear your nurse, who you FULLY trust, COMPLETELY PANIC and yell, "COMPOUND PRESENTATION" repeatedly while you are pushing a watermelon out of your hoo-ha.
All I can say is, I survived.
Greyson Stephen Martin made his appearance on October 10, 2007, arriving in STYLE. He came out SIDEWAYS. Can you picture that?!
There's more.
The "Compound" part? That means TWO body parts come out at the same time. Greyson came out SIDEWAYS WITH HIS HAND NEXT TO HIS HEAD.
I'd just like to take a moment to THANK THE GOOD LORD that Greyson was not my first child, and that I had already pushed two other watermelons from my hoo-ha. Otherwise, things might not have been so PLEASANT.
Three years later, here we are. Today is Greyson's third birthday. He's shy and reserved and hilarious and down-right CRAZY, but I think I knew that was coming, given the unique way he entered this world. That was HIS way of sending me a small heads-up on what the future would hold.
I wouldn't change his birth, or his shyness or his craziness for anything in the world. If you ever need a laugh, head on over, because Greyson is ONE. FUNNY. DUDE.




Happy Birthday, Grey! I love you!
Aww... This made me tear up.... He's such a doll. Happy Birthday Buddy!
ReplyDeleteIt made me tear up too and I was right there waiting down the hall thinking "what the heck is taking so long; I hope nothing is wrong". Then we saw Jason take that looooonnnnnng walk down the hallway with a huge smile and a blue "baby boy" balloon! Greyson was here! He's still quite the little entertainer; you never know what to expect from him.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool day to have a birthday this year! Happy late birthday to your Greyson :)
ReplyDeletethis just made me laugh out loud!! So glad both Greyson and you made it through in one piece :) My 2nd was in a transverse position and I spent much of my labor on all fours (as my husband slept soundly on the couch next to me). Men, they have it so rough!
ReplyDeleteHandsome little guy...and LOL about the birth story. I had c-secs and remember asking during the last one:
ReplyDelete"What is that burning smell?"
My OB, ever droll, replied:
"Oh, that's you."
Happy birthday, cute Greyson!