Saturday, July 24, 2010

It's All About the Hair

My daughter, Emerson, is 5. She is starting Kindergarten this fall. And she's a little miss smarty pants.

Em's had her hair cut one time. EVER. Its getting really long and she loves to let me curl it, and braid it, and put seven ponytails in it, if I really want to. Well, for the last six months or so she's been begging me to get it cut. OFF. So I told her all about Locks of Love and how she could be a part of that and she thought it sounded like a good idea. I didn't rush her out for a haircut, though. I like the long hair. And, luckily, she forgot about it.

Until today.

Today Emerson told me she was ready for her hair to be cut-all the way up above her shoulders. And she told me she wanted a new COLOR hair, too. What color, you ask?



  1. LOL that's awesome. Do it just for a week. I don't see the harm. I'd let Hannah put some pink streaks if she asked...but she hasn't. And yes locks of love is awesome. We did that last year with her hair and they sent a little post card that I put in her photo album. Very special.

  2. Delaney wants redlights like mine...I need to find something that can wash out by school! Go for it


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