Thursday, August 12, 2010

Daily Scene

I was standing in line at the desk of the eye doctor today with Owen, behind an elderly lady.

Owen: "Mom, how come when you get to be a grown-up you get really big and when you get old you get small again?"

Me: "Sshhh...I'll tell you in the car."


  1. LOL.

    The other Day Delaney said in line at the grocery store
    "Mom did you see that lady, she had too many wrinkles to be driving"

    While true, I bet the lady could still hear.

  2. he cracks me up! good observation, owen!

  3. LOL he's so freakin funny. Seriously!

    Also Char and Mel never comment on my blog. Bitches!

  4. HAHA!! I KNOW! I feel like I should keep a roll of duct tape in my purse to keep loud mouths closed for this very reason! How funny!!


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