Today I am thankful for my son, Owen.
I took Owen on a date last night-just the two of us. He's such a good kid that a lot of what he does and says goes unnoticed, and I wanted some time alone with him. Let me tell you something: that boy talked my ear off for three hours. We talked about The United States and other countries and continents and American Indians and snakes and tornadoes and relatives and movies and his birthday and Christmas and Thanksgiving and video games and planets. He is such a smart boy.
If he's not talking, I guarantee you Owen's thinking some VERY deep thoughts. He asks me very difficult questions on a daily basis-questions that I have NO IDEA how to answer.
And he's funny. Not funny in a goofy, look-at-me way...He's got these one-liners that will Crack. You. Up.
He's also a sweetheart. He's always thinking of others. On our date last night he made sure that he brought home a little gift for Emerson. And he's always willing to help me out. He takes out the trash, cleans up for me, and never complains.
The other day, we were having a conversation about bad words. I asked him to tell me all the bad words he knows. Here's what he told me: dumb, fat, stupid, butt, pee-pee, chicken, and BADASS.
Owen's smart, funny, sweet, and I'm thankful that he's ALL mine.

I'm so glad we were all able to stand outside your hospital door and hear the cries from our first born grandchild. I will never ever forget standing there with Dad, Steve and Linda while the tears just rolled down our cheeks! I love Owen more than he'll ever know! He's just like his dad, not much of a talker but you're right; he's thinking every second and he's a great kid.
ReplyDeleteBabe -- Good one. Love that kid, and every day his smarts show more and more as does his personality. You have a way with words. xoxo