Today I am thankful for roller-skating. That's right-I said it.

I don't think I've been skating since Junior High School, and when I found out the school was having a "Skate Night", I jumped at the chance.

Owen and Emerson had never been skating, and boy, did I have my work cut out for me. I'm pretty sure I laughed the entire first thirty minutes of our night together. They spent more time on the floor than anything else.

And then there was frustration...and we took a break. It's amazing what a Kit Kat and a Ring Pop can do for a kid. Then we tried again. THIS time they were determined. It may have taken until the very last song of the night, but they GOT it.

When it was over, all they could talk about was when they could go again. In fact, Owen even said that he LOVED it, which I don't think I've heard him say about anything ever. I'm quite certain there will be more roller-skating in our future-lots of it.

What a fun thing to do! I love the picture of Em's roller skated feet on Owen's lap. Typical! They'll probably never forget the first time they went roller skating!