Today I am thankful for my daughter, Emerson.
Emerson didn't sleep through the night until she was almost a year old. I'd like to tell you that she is TOTALLY making up for lost time these days. She's always the last one out of bed, and she's never happy about it. Sadly, I have to admit that she got that trait from her mama. Everyone knows to keep their distance from me in the mornings.
Emerson is a strong-willed child. She's not one to settle for a compromise-it's her way or IT'S HER WAY. Always. Once she gets an idea in her head, it's happening-no matter what.
Also? She's smart. And I'm not saying that in a my-daughter-is-so-smart-can-you-even-believe-how-smart-she-is kinda way. She's smart. She's book smart and street smart. If I buy her an activity book, she sits at the table and cranks that book out, cover to cover. And while most kids know the names of fellow students in their class, Emerson knows their names, ages, and WHAT BUSSES THEY RIDE.
Em is also a nurturer. She loves taking care of her siblings. She loves babies and everything associated with being pregnant and having babies. She currently wants to be an Obstetrician or a Pediatrician. If she continues along with her attitude and love of knowledge, I think she'll make a great doctor.
Right now, Emerson is totally in LOVE with Taylor Swift. Her number one request is that we go to Nashville as often as possible, and she spends the entire time looking for Taylor on the streets or singing in the bars. If you pass me on the road and you can hear music cranking from my car, I'm betting it's Taylor Swift, at Em's request.
Emerson is six going on sixteen, but she makes me proud every day. This girl is going places, let me tell ya.

Good one babe, love this sweetheart. In a year or two she'll be teaching dad things!