Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day Nineteen

Thirty Days of Thankfulness, Day Nineteen

Today I am thankful for nothing. Nothing, as in doing absolutely nothing.

Today we slept in, lounged, read the paper, let the kids build forts and make messes, made a second pot of coffee, stayed in our pajamas until well past noon, had a late lunch, napped, played outside, ate some comfort food for dinner and snuggled all day.

ALL OF US. Together.

Sometimes you need days like this to gather yourself and connect with your family and talk about everyday things. The craziness of the holidays is quickly approaching, and days like these will be far and few between.

My house is a mess (YES, IT IS), but this mess is the evidence of a day well-spent.


  1. This is one of my favorite blogs. I'm glad you are happy doing nothing at all every one in awhile. Some people wouldn't notice if a day passed by and they did "nothing" but for those of you who don't know Amie well, she THRIVES on being busy EVERY second of the day. I remember the junior high days of baseball, softball, church classes and piano lessons. And then the high school days of softball and basketball. When she wasn't actually playing in a game, she was practicing at the gym anyway. When she did come home, she was bored! So take a breath, dear Amie, and I'm glad you enjoyed a day when you did absolutely......nothing.

  2. I am sitting here on Monday morning wanting to do nothing too and feeling guilty about it. Maybe I will chill this morning and get something done this afternoon. Thanksgiving at my house this year so plenty to do to get ready.

    I saw your mom at the wedding shower yesterday. So good to see her and catch up on what's going on. Great seeing Su and the Voh's too. Miss everyone.

    Glad all is well with you Amie. God Bless you and your beautiful family!

    Ann Hunt

  3. I gotta say that in enjoying doing absolutely nothing all day as much as I did, it sure went by fast. It felt good though. Thanks Babe.


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