First up: A feast with Greyson at his school. He was so excited to have Alayna and me there. I wouldn't have missed it for anything.

Next on the agenda: A celebration with Emerson's class. It was nice to put faces with the names she talks about every day, and I was especially amused to see Em and her BFF, Zoe, in action.

We drove half of the night, in the rain, but it was worth it to have an extra day in Michigan. There was a new arrival we were DYING to snuggle with.

And the kids had a lot of cousin time to catch up on, while the adults did some catching up of their own.

Of course, on Thursday, we celebrated Thanksgiving with as much family as we could get. You can read about that day here.

On Friday, we headed over to see some old family friends for brunch. It was a fabulous afternoon, filled with laughter and memories and good food and sunshine.

We couldn't let the day end so soon, so we all headed over to Nana and Grandpa's house for MORE fun and MORE food and a hayride that held FOUR GENERATIONS.

And then, just when you thought we couldn't possibly cram anything more into our trip, on Saturday we celebrated Owen's 8th birthday along with my birthday. It was just a small gathering of 30-ish people. The night was jam-packed with babies and jeeps and presents and pie and more food, and even sleep...

It was a whirlwind trip, but it was so good to be with our family and friends. We'll be heading back in a month to celebrate Christmas. CHRISTMAS! Already!

Thank you to everyone who took the time out of your busy lives to spend time with us. We love you all.
Wow, I guess we WERE all very busy. It was a fun filled 4 days and can't wait to see y'all again soon. xoxox